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Seller plan • mCoves Marketplace

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Seller plan

Buyers world wide want to pay for your stuffStart selling your new, used or broken products fastTurn your junk into fast cash

  • one time Payment
    Try it now for free

    Basic Cove

    $9.99USD per Month*

    1000 listings per month

    $8,000 monthly revenue

    Full seller dashboard

    No Product adverts

    30 day listing durations

    No auction style listing

    12.75% sale commission and

    +4.75% on cars & real estates

    $1.99 processing fee per order

    Limited on chat seller support

    Seller store not included

    Restricted category

  • Standard Cove

    $14.99USD per Month*

    3500 listings per month

    $17,500 monthly revenue

    Full seller dashboard

    No Product adverts

    Variable listing durations

    No auction style listing

    10.85% sale commission and

    +6.43% on cars & real estates

    $1.99 processing fee per order

    Limited on chat seller support

    Seller store is included

    Unrestricted category

  • Best choice

    Premium Cove

    $33.99USD per Month*

    Unlimited listings per month

    $130,000 monthly revenue

    Full seller dashboard

    Free Product adverts

    Variable listing durations

    30 day auction durations

    12.83% sale commission and

    +5.99% on cars & real estates

    $1.99 processing fee per order

    24/7 on chat seller support

    Seller store is included

    Unrestricted category

  • Platinum Cove

    $67.99USD per Month*

    Unlimited listings per month

    Unlimited monthly revenue

    Full seller dashboard

    Free Product adverts

    Variable listing durations

    Variable auction durations

    8.95% sale commission and

    +4.07% on cars & real estates

    $1.99 processing fee per order

    24/7 on chat seller support

    Seller store is included

    Unrestricted category

mCoves is a great place to sell your stuff, there's no match to it!

  • Cell Phones
    sells approx. every 2 seconds
    old, new or broken will sell fast
    6900+ Sold per month
  • Jewelries
    sells approx. every 3 seconds
    old, new or broken will sell fast
    9089+ Sold per month
  • Pair of Shoes
    sells approx. every 8 seconds
    all sizes, all gender, every age
    3500+ Sold per month
  • Game Console
    sells approx. every 4 seconds
    old, new or broken will sell fast
    7500+ Sold per month
  • Babies Gear
    sells approx. every 1 seconds
    pampers, diapers & food
    8250+ Sold per month
  • Women Handbags
    sells approx. every 2 seconds
    no fake bags, authentic only
    3500+ Sold per month